June 2024 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece Brace yourself folks, we’re entering new territory. June export prices have come out with only a very slight rise on May, which was only a very slight rise on April, so basically flat at the bottom of...

May-2024 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece May’s a funny month, you’re hanging onto the autumn weather and good times that were had over summer, knowing fully well that winter is around the corner, and it’s going to get cold and ugly. This...

April 2024 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece It’s all a bit gloomy really, daylight savings has finished, lambs and logs are worth bugger all, the media has lost its social license, and the economy is in the cart. No matter who you talk to in th...

March 2024 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece History is a great predictor of the future, and the log market is no different. March export prices have been released and it feels as though we’re trying to climb a barbed wire fence, but the problem...

February 2024 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece February has kicked off with a hiss and a roar with log exporters pulling out the pencil sharpeners and publishing prices in the mid to high $130’s for A grade (except for Bluff and Lyttleton where yo...

January 2024 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece The Christmas holidays have come and gone all too quickly for most and we are now returning to work a few kilos heavier, a touch of liver pain and with the same level of enthusiasm that a lightfingered ...

December 2023 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece December’s export prices were like the early Christmas present from Aunty Doris that you expected to be socks but turned out to be a bike. While there were expectations of a slight lift in prices for ...

November 2023 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece Rugby world cup aside, there is a bit of good news starting to stir some fizziness amongst us tree huggers and, while not at shaken beer can levels, it is enough to improve the fettle and shelve the nav...

October 2023 Market Update

Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director Opinion Piece Kiwibuild may be the best thing we can export to fix the housing crisis in China, lots of hui but not much doey. Since the early 2000’s, China has been flat-out doeying in the residential construction...

September 2023 Market Update

September 2023 Market Update  Marcus Musson, Forest360 Director  Opinion Piece  It’s amazing how a spell of fine weather and some increased temperatures improves the general fettle, especially those that haven’t really seen a decent summer for...