Forest360 - Case Studies - Graham Morris

Location: Waipu, Northland, New Zealand

Date: 2018

Terrain: Easy contour

– Ground base operation
– 4 skid sites

We were more than happy with F360. They were up to speed with the latest Health & Safety systems and regulations and got on with the job. They ticked all the boxes and because of this, they’ll get our next job.


  • Block Size: 15Ha Dairy Farmer
  • F360 known forestry company as actively working in the region
  • Client had key evaluation criteria they were using to appoint their forestry provider
  • Had heard good things about neighbours experience with F360


  • F360 were competitive in their rates
  • Operation Manager dedicated to the job and deemed “excellent”
  • Site was complete before winter to avoid infrastructure issues and costs due to heavy clay soils
  • Achieved an exceptional return

“We knew we made the right decision choosing Forest360.”

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