Quarterly Newsletter: Autumn 2023

Forest360 News – May 2023 In this newsletter, you will find a silviculture roundup from our Forestry team; an update on the carbon price and the ETS from our Land Use team, and our popular Market Update on the domestic and export log market. FO...

What carbon accounting model is best for my forest in the Emissions Trading Scheme?

When a forest owner is registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) they are allocated carbon credits as their forest grows and sequesters carbon. In June 2020 the New Zealand Government passed legislation which sought to improve the Emissions Tr...

Carbon Accounting Categories

In June 2020, the New Zealand government passed legislation aimed to improve the ETS. These improvements included changes to the way that carbon is accounted for within the ETS. The transition period for these changes meant that for a short period, f...

Carbon Accounting Categories – Risks and Benefits

There are risks and benefits which need to be considered when choosing which carbon accounting method might be right for each area of your forest. Areas entered into the ETS prior to 1 January 2019 must remain in the sawtooth carbon accounting catego...

Quarterly Newsletter: Spring 2022

October 2022 We’ve had an extremely busy winter season across all our forest management services. It is great to see the sun make an appearance after a very long and wet winter, which presented various environmental challenges. Our team are com...

ETS Newsletter August 2022

Changes to ETS Carbon Accounting Models As you will be aware, the carbon models available for post-1989 forest land registered in the ETS will change from 1 January 2023. This may affect the number of units you earn or need to surrender, and you shou...

Reasons to enter older or second rotation forestry into the Emissions Trading Scheme

Keeping your options open   One of the common misconceptions regarding the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and the Sawtooth carbon accounting category is that it is not worthwhile participating because credits may have to be surrendered at harvest. ...